Guide to Enterprise: Best Gear, Equipment Build Guide + Tips
One of the most popular ships on the game, you probably have seen Enterprise at events story, sometimes she's in the exchange shop, or maybe you got her on gacha I mean is literally impossible you haven't seen her because she is the face of the game.
She comes from the Eagle Union, a solid Aircraft Carrier, class Yorktown has incredible luck, in fact, all her nicknames come from that because her stats on luck is just insane.
I dough deep on the research of her stats and gear equipment to create this guide so you can get the best of her easily.
Let’s get started:
Enterprise's Stats her stats
Let us begin with her numbers and see how good is she at base stats. This always gives us a good overview of the ships and how useful they can be.
A Decent HP
It seems like Eagle Union aren't very famous for a big HP stat 1042 HP at level 0, 0 affection, and no enhancements)
At level 100 she improves to 5610 HP at level 100 leaving her just a few steps behind the best CV Aircraft Carrier of the game.
Moving to the next step she increases to 6193 HP at level 120 which is pretty good.
And finally, she reaches a mighty 6339 HP at level 125 honestly, it isn't the best HP stat that I've ever seen, but it's a great number for this type of Aircraft Carrier.
With this said, I do not mean that you can't trust her health, her health level is decent, just do not leave her to her luck.
Medium Armor. AP shells... Noo!
Yes, I know a medium armor isn't our favorite but it works for her. I mean if her health isn't the biggest why does she have medium armor? Well, nobody knows. Oh wait, could be, 'cause she's lucky…
Anyways that still is good armor, but leaves her exposed and makes her an easy target to some attacks like AP shells.
She Evades like your crush does
In this context, this is a really good thing, maybe when you see these numbers you will feel better because her evasion stats are good, but not better than a few other aircraft carriers.
To begin Enterprise has an evasion of 19 at level 0 (0 affection and no enhancements). That actually is a pretty good start.
Next, we see her with a 55 evasion at level 100 at this point, she left behind other solid Aircraft Carriers in the game.
Almost she has her maximum level of evasion, at level 120 we see a 62 evasion at level 120 on her, very very exciting numbers.
Here it is, the maximum evasion level available for her, really good for her stats 64 at level 125
If you already used Enterprise and you saw her evasion you know that you have hope with your crush.
Her Anti-Air 🤤
I like her Anti-Air power so badly, in my personal opinion, this is one of the best or probably the best attribute that she has, compared with the best of her kind this stat is more than good, can easily blow your head off.
Don't be fooled by this number because it is a good start. 62 at level 0 (0 affection and no enhancements).
She improves more than double at level 100 301 at level 100, other similar ships reach this stat at level 120 or even at level 125.
Enterprise grows to 329 at level 120 pretty impressive.
Once she reaches 125 level Enterprise achieves a 337 on Anti-Air power 337 at level 125 being this her maximum stat.
Venture forth!
Enterprise's aviation is in the twelfth place of all Aircraft Carriers in the game and fifth on the Eagle Union Aircraft Carriers. It's an admirable position considering she is in Tier 0. In my point of view, this aviation is great because causes damage quite fast and is very similar to Hakuryuu (the best Aircraft Carrier) according to our tier list, but that ship has four skills and Enterprise has only one, for example, soon we'll talk more about that…
To start Enterprise offers an aviation attack of 83 at level 0 (0 affection and no enhancements) the first level is just ok but she improves later.
Like I said she improves to a 409 at level 100 here she starts to make serious damage to enemies, and yet there are two more levels from here you can start trusting her.
Enterprise increases to 430 at level 120, quite amazing, nobody can tell you that she isn't a valuable member of your fleet.
This is all the aviation power that our one and only Enterprise is able to reach 435 at level 125. Overall, she's one of the most powerful back liners in all the game, able to sink enemies quite fast.
She flies, literally
Well, if you already were excited about Enterprise stats, check this out, Azur Lane Enterprise's reload speed is better than good, it's very close to the top Aircraft Carrier. At this point, I really know why she is on Tier 0.
To back liners the power attack and the reload speed are really important to keep your fleet alive, so she indeed is a good pick.
Starting at Enterprise Aviation at Level 125 49 at level 0 (0 affection and no enhancements) 👍
Next to that, she increases to 125 at level 100 it's a good number she stands two points above the best in her nation.
Her reload stat keeping grow, this time to 132 at level 120 she's able to put shot after shot much faster.
And finally, her quickest reload speed is a solid 134 at level 125 I truly recommend you that you pick her on your feet if you want power and speed.
Enterprise's Skill HER SKILLS
Lucky E
Sadly Enterprise has only one skill and that is Lucky E, to some a really valuable skill to others not so much… The truth is that is an unexceptional skill leaving a lot to be desired.
Enterprise's skill promise 40% → 70% more probability to make double damage to rivals and cover you of attacks from them throughout 8 seconds.
You really need this skill at its maximum level, even though you'll need her luck, I get the feeling that this is the reason why she has this insane luck because only has one skill.
Enterprise Gear Guide best gear
Here I prepared a solid and varied Gear Guide, in this Azur Lane Enterprise best gear build guide I found the best equipment to use on each slot of Enterprise, this selection helped me to win a bunch of battles, so I hope that this gear guide helps you too.
- Fighters Slot (slot 1)
- Dive Bomber Slot (slot 2)
- Torpedo Bomber Slot (slot 3)
- Auxiliary Slots (auxiliary 1) (auxiliary 2)
Starting with Slot Number 1 slot 1
Here on Enterprise's Fighter slot , you'll be able to equip the following plane type:
- A Fighter
The plane you decide to use on the Fighter slot of Enterprise Equipment (Slot 1), will perform with 110% → 125% efficiency. All the pieces of equipment you equip there are going to have the same efficiency.
For Enterprise's fighter slot I picked as the first and best option a very complete plane, useful for light Aircraft Carriers and Aircraft Carriers also, the Messerschmitt Bf 109G (Carrier-based Prototype) one of the most powerful, it makes heavy damage against enemies with light and medium armor, and it is very useful when enemies do not have passive AA capabilities.
Another good option is a Grumman F6F Hellcat T3, which has good AA guns 4 x 12.7mm MG T3 and 2 x 20mm Cannon T3 plus a 2 x 500lb Bomb T3
A Supermarine Seafang T3 is a safe pick that also has a 2 x 500lb Bomb T3 so it is indeed powerful but the difference is that it only has a 4 x 20mm Cannon T3 on AA guns, even though works pretty good.
A Vought F4U Corsair is also a great pick, pretty easy to find or create. (T3/T4 Eagle Tech Box and Created in Gear Lab from Brewster F2A Buffalo).
Moving to Slot Number 2 slot 2
On Enterprise's Slot Number 2, the Dive Bomber Slot you'll be able to equip:
- A Dive Bomber
Again, anything that you equip on the Dive Bomber slot of Enterprise's Equipment (Slot 2), will perform with 110% → 125% efficiency.
For our beautiful Enterprise be sure to choose something as cool as a Curtiss SB2C Helldiver T3 because having an excellent damage output on this slot is a must. It is quite easy to obtain or create. Based on other gear guide equipment like Shinano's I think I'm really into this plane, it's in this Enterprise best gear build guide too 🤭
An option a bit more fancy is a Nakajima J5N Tenrai (Dive Bomber Prototype) because sometimes you know, you may want to have something really unique so this plane has the best output damage and you can only obtain it through research (series 4).
Equipping Slot Number 3 slot 3
Here we have quite a few options that can increase Enterprise's attack. In this slot, the Torpedo Bomber Slot of Enterprise you'll be able to equip:
- A Torpedo Bomber
The Torpedo Bomber that you equip on this slot of Enterprise Equipment (Slot 3), will have a 110% → 125% efficiency.
For Enterprise's Torpedo bombers my first option is a Fairey Barracuda T3, it is perhaps the best bomber in the game. You can find it on Glorious Battle SP2, T4/T5 Royal Tech Boxes. Gear lab, blueprints, and can also be obtained through Research.
Also, you can go to the Gear Lab and make your own Aichi B7A Ryuusei T3 and make high output damage. Has a good converging torpedo pattern that can be very useful.
If you are in a temporary torpedo bomber you can choose the Nakajima B6N Tenzan T3 it has a converging pattern too and it does work pretty nicely.
Equipping Auxiliary Slots auxiliary 1 auxiliary 2
We can see this equipment in another Aircraft carrier because these are probably the best options, so be confident using those pieces of equipment. That being said these are the picks for the auxiliary gear slots on Enterprise:
It is not that difficult to choose the auxiliaries for Enterprise, just put a Steam Catapult T3 to provide an extra boost, you'll be more than fine.
Run Two (2) of these, one on each Auxiliary Slot.
You can combine or use on each auxiliary slot a Homing Beacon it's useful because can decrease the cooldown of airstrikes by 4%. You can find it on Core Data. For me a very good piece from Royal Navy.
Another alternative is a Frontier Medal may be a little more difficult to get but will increase the DMG dealt by both sides on CVs and CVLs by 10.0%, and also will decrease the DMG dealt by both sides on BBs and BCs by 10.0%.
Guys this was it for this gear guide equipment of Enterprise, I hope this helps you earn a lot of S rankings, if any better equipment comes out for her I will be updating it. And you know if do you use it let me know how did it work for you.
Enterprise Construction Time faq
I leave here Enterprise's construction time is 04:20:00 if you ask for it.
Gain Affinity Fast on Shinano faq
You have available our guide to gain affinity fast on Azur Lane you'll find easy, practical and funniest ways to make her your bestie, also works for all your favorite Azur Lane Ships.
Formation Suggestions faq
One of the regular questions in my head the first time I got her was, how can use her in an efficient way? so now that we know her better, these are my recommendations for a good formation:
- Vestal (To repair and give support)
- Akagi (Power attack)
- Kaga (Power attack)
- Illustrious (Helps the vanguard)
- Hood (Helps the vanguard)
How to get Enterprise? faq
This is an excellent and very popular ship and I am sure that you don't want to miss the opportunity to get her so these are the ways to get her:
- Aviation gacha
- Exchange shop for 80 medals
Yeah, just those two options, I think it's quite a hard nut to crack.
Hope you guys have fun out there with our flying USS Enterprise aka The Big E, Lucky E, Ent, The grey ghost, the galloping ghost… and God knows how many others. Please check out our Azur Lane Tier List for 2023 ✅. And like always I'll be answering here below 👇 questions, comments, and suggestions about Enterprise.